Thursday, January 11, 2007

Roy Hall is Ohio's Public Enemy #1

This looks bad, and I bet this guy (Roy Hall) already feels pretty bad. After hearing the resounding cry from Ohio if only Ted hadn't been hurt maybe 41-14 Gators wouldn't have happened, who wouldn't? Up until today, however, there was a cloud of mystery surrounding Ginn's injury and it just seemed like one of those things - or a goddamned blight from fate. So it's unfortunate for Roy that a.) someone was there to capture the moment of the crime, and b.) that Sports Illustrated put said picture out there for the world to see and judge.

I'm going to heap onto that mountain of shame because what a waste right? I've always watched the celebratory, tackle-the-amazing-guy-that-just-scored in the end zone thing with a little bit of incomprehension. I know you're jacked up 'cause your team just scored, but why risk hurting the team when chances are you're going to need to score again?

Already with Adrian Peterson shattering his collar bone on an unnecessary, celebratory dive into the end zone we have seen the folly and potential consequence of stupid end zone celebrations. Now it's getting out there that another ended Ted Ginn's BCS Championship game prematurely, and after such a promising start.

Chances are Roy Hall's learned his lesson, but it was such an expensive one so we'd better hope the lesson itself is invaluable and that's why I don't feel so bad, after all, heaping a little additional shame on this moron's shoulders.

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