Or does anyone else feel that way?
Only to have the actual day be a soggy, deflating let down. Cause let's face it September's still 7 months away. By that time I will have forgotten half the names I've researched tirelessly when they're redshirted, slogging it out on special teams or mired in the 4th position (aka beartrap

The schlockmeisters at Rivals and Scout love this time of year, when their membership fees (like, paying to read gossip and hearsay) actually starts to look reasonable. They're no better than the drug pushers on Hippie Hill with their shaky, home-video highlight reels and intern-written "in-depth analysis."
Now that I've been seduced and burned again, you know what I'm saying, fuck that shit.
I know I'm not going to contribute anything to the recruiting discourse that hasn't already been said. (Like, it doesn't mean anything to rank recruiting classes.) But I just had to get that off my chest.
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